Kfz Gutachter


Have you had an accident that was not your fault?

First of all, we hope that you are unharmed. Commission us to prepare an accident report/accident report, we will take care of the claims settlement.

How do I proceed in the event of damage?

In principle, you should not leave the settlement of claims to the insurance company of the person who caused the accident!

As a motor vehicle appraiser/expert for accident damage, you are often confronted with a guided claims settlement from the opposing insurance company, in which the benefit of the opposing insurance company is of course in the foreground.

Unfortunately, insurance companies often take advantage of this ignorance.

We stand for independence and individual advice!

We would be happy to advise you comprehensively, prepare a professional report for you and take over the lengthy claims settlement in the event of liability damage.

How long does it take to process a claim?

As a rule, it takes about 4-6 weeks until the injured party receives a payment from the opposing insurance company of the person who caused the accident.

What data is required for an expert opinion?

Damage day/ time of event/ damage location
From the other party:
-Name Insurance
-Insurance policy number
-Claim number
-License plate of the vehicle
From the injured party:
-Name Address
-License plate of the vehicle
-Phone for any queries

What are the advantages of hiring an independent vehicle appraiser?

The appraiser prepares the appraisal and determines the full amount of damage. The vehicle is independently appraised by the appraiser after the repair has been completed.

Since the proper execution and the quality of the work on the vehicle are also checked here, the workshop tries to convince with a good result.

What is minor damage?

The amount of damage caused by minor damage is less than approx. EUR 750.00 (net), so it is advisable to prepare a cost estimate.

In the case of damage amounts in the minor area, the costs of the expert will only be paid by the opposing insurance company if personal injury is added to such minor property damage.

Contact us quickly and without obligation: We would be happy to help you with an initial free assessment!

Please send us a photo by e-mail or WhattsApp so that we can get a first impression of the damage in advance. Can I get my damage compensated? According to Section 249 of the German Civil Code, you as the injured party may not suffer any financial disadvantage! With a professional and comprehensible damage report, you can be reimbursed for the full amount of the damage, provided that it is not far above the replacement value.

Will I get my damage refunded?

According to Section 249 of the German Civil Code, you as the injured party may not suffer any financial disadvantage!

With a professional and comprehensible damage report, you can be reimbursed for the full amount of the damage, provided that it is not far above the replacement value.

Do you need a vehicle appraiser?

After a traffic accident through no fault of your own - so-called liability damage - you, as the injured party, have the unrestricted right to commission an independent accident expert of your choice to prepare an accident report.

Who bears the costs for the report?

The costs for the expert opinion to be drawn up are paid by the opposing insurance company of the person who caused the accident: there are no costs for you!

How do I prove the damage to the insurance company?

The vehicle appraiser/vehicle expert will promptly provide proof of the costs you have incurred.

Should I see legal counsel?

There is friction in almost every case, as the opposing insurance company will always try to delay payment.

It is therefore always advisable to consult a lawyer.

Who bears the costs for legal assistance?

The costs for the legal advice are paid by the opposing insurance company of the person who caused the accident, you will not incur any costs here either.

What happens after the repair?

After the repair has been completed, a repair confirmation should be issued. It doesn't matter whether the repair was done on your own or by a specialist workshop.

After the repair, you are entitled to compensation for loss of use/loss of use compensation in the form of a daily flat rate/daily flat rate for the time of the repair. The repair confirmation then serves as proof for the insurance company and is also the prerequisite for paying for the loss of use.

What is recorded by the appraiser?

  • Calculation of the amount of damage based on AW work values ​​and OE original spare parts number as well as all consumables with their prices.
  • Create photos for evidence
  • Logging of additional special work such as (the application of advertising foils) on a company vehicle
  • Recording of additional costs due to loss of use and depreciation when selling the accident vehicle/accident vehicle